Magazines – Are They Still Worth It?
E-books – Tablets – News Applications – Social Media – These places where people tend to do most of their reading in 2024.
But what has happened to the humble magazine, and is there still a place in today’s world for them?
Don’t we all remember when there was a pile of magazines next to the toilet, and that’s where we would read?
Not aimlessly scrolling on social media, watching another 10-second clip of someone doing the newest ‘dance’, if that’s even what we can call them.
Here’s why magazines can still play an important role
Stress Reduction
We live in a stressful world where it seems as though all the news we see is bad. Reading a magazine can create a sense of escapism, meaning you can get away from the worries and struggles of daily life by engaging your mind with an article or story you can read from a good magazine.
It can also be a relaxing activity, as sitting down and focusing on something that isn’t online or not engaging in the digital world for a little while can only be good for you.
And, if it is something you enjoy doing, why not take out a magazine subscription, so you’ll never miss an edition of your favorite bit of pastime reading?
Educational Value 
Some of the online content is barely passable as a half-decent article. A lot of it is just out there for clicks and engagement, so the content is often poorly written and something a well-educated chimp could throw together.
On the other hand, magazines go deeper into topics, giving you more information and a feeling of learning something after reading them.
As well as that, magazines have expertise in certain areas, such as health, technology, sports etc, enabling you to choose the one that suits your interests and lifestyle best.
Support for Publishers and Journalists
In the last five to ten years, magazines and newspapers have been playing second fiddle to online content that has been provided.
Those journalists and publishers have seen a decrease in the availability of work, so by purchasing magazines and even subscribing to them; you are supporting funding quality journalism that is able to create content of a high standard.
Mental Stimulation and Cognitive Benefits
Browsing the internet and scrolling on TikTok can be done by anyone and doesn’t take a whole load of brain power to do so.
Reading a magazine requires you to engage with what you are reading and focuses the mind into concentrating, thus enabling you to improve your attention span, which we are seeing within the younger generations today is a real issue.
The benefits are clear for all to see. Why spend hours watching videos online that last no longer than sixty seconds or reading second-class articles online when you can improve mental focus, support the industry, and learn amazing new things by reading magazines? It seems a bit of a no-brainer to me……