Improving your skills and learning a new skill online can help you both on a personal and professional level, however, many people just never get around to building the skills they feel they need to thrive in life.
This can be for many reasons – oftentimes, people believe that they will have to go back to school to properly learn a new skill, but this isn’t always the case. There are so many fun ways you can improve your skills without going back to school, and we’re going to give you some ideas here. Read on and you might just find some inspiration:
Learn A New Skill Online: Listen To Audiobooks and Podcasts
Audiobooks and podcasts are a fantastic way to learn about just about anything you can think of. The best thing is, you don’t have to solely focus on them to get something from it. You can listen to them on a commute, while you’re out walking, whilst cleaning – just about anything and learn a new skill online.
Buy An Online Course
Online courses are usually much less intensive than in-person courses as you can do them at your own pace. You don’t need to leave the house, either, which is a huge benefit if for whatever reason you don’t want to go to learn in person.
Find An Expert In Your Field 
Find an expert in the field you would like to learn more about. You could do this by networking and using professional social media sites like Linkedin. Of course, it would be easier to find an expert in your chosen field at a place like the christian university. That being said, as long as you know when to be in ‘networking mode’ you shouldn’t find this too difficult.
Utilize YouTube
There are so many experts on YouTube sharing their expertise for free. You can learn to fish, whittle wood, make jewelry, paint, and play an instrument. All you need to do is find somebody that resonates with you and see what happens.
Attend Meetups 
Keep your eye on the industry you want to be involved in and attend any meetups. Surrounding yourself with people who are able to do what you want to be able to do will be a huge benefit and help you to get into the right mindset. If you can’t go to in-person meetups, you could always see if there are any forums or discussions online and get involved in those.
Go To A Workshop
Workshops are great because you learn from an expert in person but you don’t need to invest too much time, money, or energy to do so. You can get a little one-on-one help and feedback and then go home and continue learning yourself.
Use Apps to Learn a New Skill Online
There’s an app for everything these days. Learn a language with Duolingo, or learn how to sing/act/be authentic with Masterclass. Some apps are free, some are not, so take a look and see which of them suits your needs and budget. Either way, it’ll be cheaper and more time effective than going to school.