The Different Kinds of Soft Play Equipment Your Child can Enjoy

Written By Alla Levin
September 05, 2021

Your Ultimate Guide to the Different Kinds of Soft Play Equipment Your Child can Enjoy

The soft play equipment has become all the rage in a big way, not just because it allows your child to enjoy playing indoors without being affected by adverse weather or temperatures, but also because it substantially aids in their development.

Soft play can be comprised of various activities designed to stimulate your child’s senses, and if you are thinking of having a soft play area in your own home, you may well be wondering what sort of equipment and toys you can set up. So what are the different kinds of soft play equipment your child can enjoy? Here’s your ultimate guide.

The basics of soft play equipment

Manufacturers of soft play toys and equipment carefully design and produce their products whilst prioritizing children’s safety. You can indeed personalize your child’s soft play area and set it up with various toys and equipment, such as pillows, bolsters, cushions, tunnels, slides, wedges, and more, with each item encouraging your child to explore and create and develop their fine motor and gross motor skills and abilities.

In terms of soft play equipment for the home, there are more than a few kinds you can choose from, but you should also think about the flooring and walls of the area. To create the perfect soft play spot, you need to find the proper flooring, panels, matting, and platforms. All soft playrooms are supposed to be soft and welcoming and entirely safe for all the users.

Your options for creating a soft play area:

Motor skill soft play equipmentSoft Play Equipment

There are many types of motor skill soft play equipment you can avail of, and they are expressly designed and built to strengthen your child’s motor skills. The equipment can include balance boards, slides, tunnels, balance beams, steps, and more.

When your child uses these, it can benefit their motor skills like standing, balancing, and crawling. It can also aid in spatial recognition and awareness, as children become more aware of their body and its relation to the surrounding area.


If you want to create a real soft play spot or room, the flooring is one aspect that is essential as well. It should be soft, allowing children to relax and sit for a while, and the softness of the floor helps users feel comfortable and safe.

In addition, you can include other items such as plinths, cushions, or platforms to make the space even more special. With this, your child can engage with their environment, and you can encourage better immersion that can improve your child’s mood.

Interactive panels

You can also add interactive panels placed on the walls of the space, and these can serve to both control and quantify the area. With these interactive panels, you can make use of the space more efficiently and encourage interaction via touch.

When choosing interactive panels, you can opt for either sound panels or touch panels, or a mixture of both.

Kinds of Soft Play Equipment: Bubble tubing

If you want something more fantastic for your kid’s soft play area, you can also choose to have bubble tubing or tubes, and these colorful tubes can offer a lot of benefits to your child’s sensory engagement. They can help calm children down and stimulate their curiosity at the same time.

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