Portrait Photography by Pavel Apal`kin
Pavel Apal`kin is a photographer from Ukraine, engaged in a classic portrait and conceptual photography. His female portraits are magnificent, sensual and eye-catching.
Photographer says: “Photography for me is a way of self-development. It’s a tool that allows to create and express my thoughts. I played enough with my camera in the first 2-3 months. Now I’m not taking pictures just to enjoy.”
Pavel Apal`kin is quite a unique person with a very interesting perception of life.
Photographer says that he is dreaming of hearing the music created by more developed civilizations.
Yes, that is right. He is not dreaming about the house by the ocean. It’s not about an expensive car, not about a super fancy and expensive camera, or not even about thousands of dollars.
But he is dreaming of hearing music that someone from “Out there” has created. Fascinating isn’t it?
Portrait Photographer is far away from the stereotypes that somehow come to your mind when you hear the word “photographer”. Pavel does not do commercial photography.
His artworks are just a way of personal development and self-knowledge.

Talking about the technologies, the equipment that a photographer supposed to use, Pavel believes that firstly it must meet the needs of the photographer, but not ambitions. Wise enough!!!